
Meditation Koeln

We are very pleased to be offering a new meditation course in Köln. It will last seven weeks. The first evening will be held on Friday, May 17th, 19:30 h. We specially invited international guest speaker Prachar Stegemann (Australia) to start our course. He is currently travelling around the world offering a series of 60 talks to celebrate Sri Chinmoy's 60th arrival in the West (1964). He will be offering an evening of meditation and a short talk based on the theme of "Beyond Happiness" - living in the spiritual heart.

The following evenings will be held every Tuesday. Course language will be english with optional translation into german. Please fill in the following form or call +49221-645458 to register. The course is free but registration is needed as space is limited.

Du kannst die folgenden Felder ausfüllen oder 0221-64 54 58 anrufen, damit wir miteinander in Kontakt treten können oder um Dich für einen Kurs anzumelden. Wir kontaktieren Dich nicht per E-Mail, weil wir dies als unpersönlich empfinden.

Wir vom Sri Chinmoy Zentrum Köln freuen uns auf Dich!

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